Historical Events on December 5

Events 1 - 200 of 217

Event of interestEvent of Interest

63 BC Cicero reads the last of his Catiline Orations
Roman Statesman & Philosopher Cicero
Roman Statesman & Philosopher
  • 663 Fourth Council of Toledo takes place

Event of interestEvent of Interest

771 Charlemagne becomes the sole King of the Franks after the death of his brother Carloman
Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
Holy Roman Emperor
  • 1082 Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona is assassinated
  • 1301 Pope Boniface VIII's degree Ausculta fili (only nominee)
  • 1349 500 Jews of Nuremberg massacred during Black Death riots
  • 1360 The French Franc is created
  • 1408 Emir Edigu of Golden Horde reaches Moscow
  • 1448 Bishop Jona of Moscow chosen as metropolitan of Kiev/Intoxication
  • 1456 Earthquake strikes Naples; about 35,000 die

DiscoveryHistoric Discovery

1492 Christopher Columbusdiscovers Hispaniola (El Espanola/Haiti)
Explorer of the New World Christopher Columbus
Explorer of the New World
Christopher Columbus
  • 1496 Jews are expelled from Portugal by order of King Manuel I
  • 1590 Niccolo Sfondrati chosen as Pope Gregory XIV
  • 1602 Giulio Caccini's "Euridice" premieres in Florence

Event of interestEvent of Interest

1623 First copies purchased of William Shakespeare's First Folio, collecting his plays posthumously into one volume, bought by Edward Dering

Event of interestEvent of Interest

1717 English pirate Blackbeardransacks the merchant sloop "Margaret" and keeps her captain, Henry Bostock prisoner for 8 hours before releasing him. Bostock later provides 1st record of Blackbeard's appearance, and the source for his name
Pirate Blackbeard

  • 1741 -6] Russian princess Elisabeth Petrovna grabs powers
  • 1746 Revolt in Genoa against Spanish rule.
  • 1757 Battle of Leuthen: Prussian army beats Austrians
  • 1766 World's largest auction house - Christie's hold their first sale in their permanent saleroom in Pall Mall,London
  • 1775 At Fort Ticonderoga, Henry Knox begins his historic transport of artillery to Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 1776 First US fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa (William & Mary College), forms

Electoral defeatElection of Interest

1792 George Washington re-elected as US President
First US President George Washington
First US President
George Washington
  • 1798 Dutch troops occupy Hasselt

Electoral defeatElection of Interest

1804 Thomas Jefferson re-elected US President, George Clinton Vice President
3rd US President Thomas Jefferson
3rd US President
Thomas Jefferson
  • 1813 Lübeck surrenders to allied armies
  • 1815 Foundation of Maceió in Brazil.
  • 1830 Hector Berlioz' "Symphonique Fantastique" premieres in Paris
  • 1831 Former US President John Q Adams takes his seat as a member of House of Representatives
  • 1835 - 10th: Assault on Mexican-held San Antonio by Texan rebels
  • 1837 Hector Berlioz' "Requiem" premieres
  • 1837 Uprising under William Lyon Mackenzie in Canada
  • 1846 C F Schoenbein obtains patent for cellulose nitrate explosive
  • 1848 US President Polk triggers Gold Rush of 1849 by confirming gold discovery in California
  • 1854 Aaron Allen of Boston patents folding theater chair
  • 1859 Dion Boucicault's "Octaroon" premieres in NYC
  • 1862 Battle of Coffeeville, MS
  • 1865 Chincha Islands War: Peru allies with Chile against Spain.
  • 1868 1st American bicycle college opens (NY)
  • 1872 Ship the Mary Celeste is discovered mysteriously abandoned by her crew in the Atlantic Ocean
  • 1876 Daniel Stillson (Mass) patents 1st practical pipe wrench
  • 1876 Fire at Brooklyn Theater kills 295, trampled or burned to death
  • 1879 1st automatic telephone switching system patented
  • 1881 47th Congress (1881-83) convenes
  • 1887 Stanley's expedition reaches plateau at Lake Albert Congo
  • 1890 Berlioz' opera "Les Troyens" premieres in Karlsruhe
  • 1892 Anti-semite Hermann Ahlwardt elected to Germany's Reichstag
  • 1893 Electric car built at the Dixon Carriage works in Toronto, could go 15 miles between charges
  • 1894 Georges Feydeaus' "L'hôtel du libre échange" premieres in Paris
  • 1896 Henrik Ibsen's "Kejsor og Galileer" premieres in Leipzig
  • 1905 Henry Campbell-Bannermam (Lib) becomes UK PM
  • 1908 1st US football uniform numerals used (University of Pittsburgh)
  • 1912 The Triple Alliance among Italy, Austria, and Germany (originally signed in 1882) is renewed for six years, beginning in 1914, a move inspired by instability in the Balkans
  • 1914 CFL Grey Cup, Varsity Stadium, Toronto: Toronto Argonauts win first Championship; beat U of Toronto Blues, 14-2
  • 1914 The Italian Parliament proclaims the neutrality of the country.
  • 1917 Austro-German Forces launch an offensive against the Italians on the western end of their line, around Asiago
  • 1918 Oil refinery on Curacao opens
  • 1920 Pro football playoff game Akron & Buffalo 0-0 tie, title undecided
  • 1920 Dimitrios Rallis forms a government in Greece.
  • 1924 Hamilton Tiger Red Green scores 5 goals to beat Tor Maple Leafs 10-5
  • 1925 CFL Grey Cup, Landsdowne Park, Ottawa: Ottawa Senators win first title; beat Winnipeg Tammany Tigers, 24-1
  • 1925 Hans Luther forced to resign as Chancellor and head of the German Weimar government
  • 1928 England defeats Australia by record 675 runs at Brisbane
  • 1928 Wilhelm Miklas elected president of Austria
  • 1929 1st US nudist organization, the American League for Physical Culture in New York City
  • 1931 CFL Grey Cup, Molson Stadium, Montreal: Montreal AAA Winged Wheelers shutout Regina Roughriders, 22-0 for their first title